The “protect the data, not the (mobile) device” mantra is permeating across organizations today, and that is a good thing. In this article, I wish to support the thought process by lending evidence for the following hypothesis: cloud synchronization services are likely to become a popular attack target by way of the desktop which is currently the weakest link.
In other words (and using Apple’s ecosystem as an example):
- Individuals in the work place that use an iOS device (iPhone or iPad) also own a desktop (or laptop).
- The desktop operating system (OSX or Windows) is still the choice avenue of attack.
- Individuals are increasingly relying upon applications on their mobile devices to store private information (credentials, financial, health).
- Most users use iCloud to sync data between their applications on various devices. Note that iCloud files sync across devices regardless of if there is a corresponding app installed on the particular device.
- A malware or root-kit that infects the desktop can steal and influence data that is synced using iCloud (as illustrated in the rest of this article).
Figure 1: Core iCloud services provide by Apple
The iCloud service offers two distinct services. As shown in Figure 1, the set of core services allows the user to backup and restore their device, as well as sync (i)Messages, contacts, calendars, reminders, Safari bookmarks & open tabs, notes, Passbook information, photos, and use the Find My iPhone feature.
These services can be turned on individually or managed via an MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution. Should these services be utilized, the “keys to the kingdom” in being able to access the user’s device data fully relies upon the strength and secrecy of the user’s iCloud password. In my blog post titled Apple’s iCloud: Thoughts on Security and the Storage APIs [PDF], I also discuss this risk in addition to a possibility of automated tools that scrape credentials of users compromised from other attacks (and published in forums and avenues such as @PasteinLeaks) to capture users’ iOS device data en masse.
Figure 2: iCloud Storage APIs (turned off in this case)
The second service offered as part of the iCloud services are Storage APIs that 3rd party developers can use to have the user’s sessions and application data seamlessly sync across devices and Operating Systems. This feature is the focus of this write-up.
Figure 3: iCloud directory in the GoodReader app on the iPhone
Figure 4: iCloud directory in the GoodReader app on the iPad
For example, the GoodReader app can be configured to use iCloud to manage documents across devices (iPhone in Figure 3 and the iPad in Figure 4).
For the purposes of the attack vector, assume that the user’s Macbook Air has been compromised. Traditionally, the attacker would be limited to the data stored on the OSX file-system. If the attacker wanted to gain access to data on other devices, the best bet would be to look for backup files. However, many users these days do not routinely backup their iOS devices with their laptops and choose to utilize iCloud instead. In this situation, the attacker can directly browse to the user’s ~/Library/Mobile Documents/ directory to access application data stored by apps that utilize the iCloud Storage APIs. What’s more - any changes the attacker makes to files in this directory are synced back to the iOS devices.
$ ls -al ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/JFJWWP64QD~com~goodiware~GoodReader/Documents/Financials/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 user staff 102 Jan 29 21:04 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 user staff 136 Jan 29 21:02 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 2784 Jan 29 21:04 Fiscal_Q1.pdf
At this point, the user can steal the Fiscal_Q1.pdf, delete, or alter it. These changes will be reflected onto the user’s iOS device within seconds. Imagine the implications these might have to a victim user who’s profession is in the financial, medical, and military fields.
Based on this possibility, here are some points to take away:
The desktop OS is quite likely still the weakest link and can give rise to Cross Device Attacks such as these. Future malware and rootkits are likely to exploit this. In case of iOS devices with Document sync turned on, attackers and rootkit authors are likely to take advantage of situations where one of the devices can be easily compromised. They are likely to target popular iCloud apps to steal data as well as to modify and influence business transactions to their advantage.
Developers need to be cognizant of data-flow within their apps. Not all types of data, specifically credentials, need to be synced across devices. Note that app data may also sync by way of Apple’s core backup & restore service; developers can mark files that shouldn’t by synced by invoking addSkipBackupAttributeToItemAtURL or storing the files in Library/Caches within the iOS bundle.
Enterprises must prepare to enable sync services. At the moment, the easy solution may be to configure employee devices via MDM to disable iCloud backup and documents. However, customers and employees will demand the enablement of sync services such as these will provide seamless transition across devices and increase in productivity. Perhaps the convergence of desktop and mobile Operating Systems and devices may pave the way to the right direction - it can be argued that the Sandbox mechanism in OSX that draws inspiration from the iOS sandbox architecture is one example of this.
In summary, cloud sync technologies have blurred lines surrounding data compartmentalization. Organizations that are seriously looking into creating solid mobile security strategies must accept this reality - the entire ecosystem of devices, including attack vectors across devices, should be taken into account and incorporated into the strategy.